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Few appreciate the tension between the self-styled elite--NYT, WP, WSJ--and the regional press. This memo drips with it.
via @kensands, a generational profile of the cohort I belong to. Baby boomers too young for 60s, the children of Watergate
Just learned that in the blogosphere, "spewing ill-informed opinions often counts for more than old-fashioned reporting."
Uh, @TheFix? When did transparency ever mean, "you deliberate in public and display your internal tensions for us?" When?
I think your modern president should talk to supporters, the nation as a whole, the press, the world beyond the U.S. And be excellent at it.
MediaShift tries to map the known revenue streams: Your Guide to Alternative Business Models for Newspapers.
Are there any good Bernard Madoff blogs springing up, with high quality aggregation, sharp commentary and the relentlessness we want?
@mpesce He sleeps around. Radio. YouTube. Reporters. Brokaw. I bet in January 2010 he by-passes the media and gives a speech to Congress!
So every time Obama makes a video for supporters he is "by-passing the media?" Seriously? While giving 12 pressers?
Josh Marshall, a a Chuck Todd fan, thinks Todd's big picture skills may be wasted as NBC's chief White House correspondent
Coda to the home delivery climb down in Detroit It has no web to print action, no filter the best stuff onto the page plan
@agolis Don't know. That's one question. I would be interested to know what their metrics for success in "live" opinion are.
New York Times: we're going move into opinion for the live web. On first read, I think it's a good direction. Yours?
@davidwestphal I think that's true: volumes and volumes, from many bureaus. A national loss. When you tell that story, put the pack in it.
Are Washington bureau cutbacks some cosmic payback for the journalism of the pack? Scott Rosenberg doesn't say THAT, but-
@scottros Yes. I liked the ethics of a Berkeley alum at NPR interviewing Berkeley's J-school dean about the up-to-date training at Berkeley.
Seems I failed to convey enough sarcasm in Tweeting that NYT piece on Washington bureaus :-) See Blodget
Amazing. Common sense from a Washington correspondent about pressing Obama for answers on Blagojevich. Thanks, @jdickerson
GlobalPost: a start-up some of us will be watching when it launches in January: Web-based international news with a twist:
The Washington bureaus never failed us. There was no redundancy, no pack. They were efficient. They were great. And now?


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