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@spencercross Almost wondering if he should get bailout funds for putting it out of our misery.
@MeghannParlett That happened to the rest of us 6-9 mo ago.
@MeghannParlett That happens, seriously, like 2-3 years ago.
Dear Everyone Who Runs A Web Service: Backups. BACKUPS. RAID != BACKUPS.
@CoffeeJedi that term is creepy as fuck, and I was better off not knowing. *shudder*
@wrhull as my sister drowned in a backyard pool, I support lessons. Jokes, not so much.
@jimgeraghty I'm fairly apolitical, and I think it's lame.
Client network goes down once per 10 min. Awesome.
@dcwriterdawn What's the latest on your story? I've got my dancin' shoes on.
@CoffeeJedi I don't even know what that means. I think I feel good about that.
@CoffeeJedi I know. I fail. But I thought it was, like, The Thing.
@levydr Hopefully there's some happily ever after. I'm an Elliott & JD shipper.
There it is. 80 hours billed this month. Sucky if you're a lawyer, great if you're me. Yeeha! Pizza to-night!
@thynctank Need more detail. IM me this weekend?
@MeghannParlett All of the Hoefler Frere-Jones Fonts are awesome.
Wow. This network was set up by a lunatic! Let's fix that, shall we?
@rowan72 mime. Those guys are ninjaesque.


Jason Cosper wil wheaton Richard Ault Niall Kennedy josh Geoffrey Long brownpau Nelson Minar  Chris Heuer Jason Garber Micki Krimmel Dave Tepper Alex Payne KB Scott Roberts John Gruber David Chartier ʎɹɹəquəʞɔoɥ ƃıɐɹɔ Jacqui Cheng suʍoq ɹǝɥdoʇsıɹɥɔ krystyn Dean Cameron Allen Adrian Andrea Dori Chris Turner Craig Davis Amy Hoy Erik Kastner William Couch Eric Blair Nanther Kristie Wells Gordon Meyer John Siracusa Amy Jane Gruber
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