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so ready for a Steelers beat down of the cardinals. can't beat it.
@hdunce agreed, just did my annual KCRW donation. I think 103.1 will survive w/ radio over ip, especially delivered to mobile devices.
@bradybd ah yes, Natpe, i didn't go this year. very cool you saw it. rad
If Kal Penn thinks you should do it, and Colin Powell thinks you should do it.. DO IT! National Mentoring Month!
@bradybd where did you see that? very cool my man
From AdAge: Marketing Execs: Researchers Could Use a Softer Touch how soft are you?
@leh4 i figured you'd be having the same weather out east
Flowers blossoming outside the office today, birds back and chirping, sun out in full effect. Feels like spring.
How I met your moher the panel at least as funny as the show.
NPH rushes off mid-sentance the stage to pee while pregnant allison has had to pee the whole time. Leaves his mic on! Ha-larious. And flush!
@snoboarder1167 oh man. You beter be on best behavior cousin
@Lizajane411 I choose twitter and twhirl over brightkite, just in terms on ongoing quality convos on twitter.
@jackofallgeeks NPH is hilarious, very down to earth on the panel.
@pblackshaw great article pete, I'd be interested to follow up on that topic.
NPH in terminator voice "you in the front row, turn the damn cellphone off"
@thekid way to stick it to the man
@andrewseely I liked "the class" a lot, saw it at AFI Fest. Nice picture of inner city parisian schools
At tv academy panel for How I Met Your Mother w/ @kw. NPH and friends to show.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams rabble danah boyd Jason Cosper sean bonner Xeni Jardin derek dukes Om Malik kareem Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Hillary Hartley Scott Beale the daniel Josh Bancroft Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane becker EFF Thor Muller Amy Muller Jason Fields Justine Megan McCarthy Joe Crawford
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