• Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
    Dec 18, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, I spent 25 years in the retail car business, so I know a little bit about cars and fuel economy. I support this bill because it is an effective compromise that will move us towards less dependence on foreign oil while still allowing manufacturers to build car... More
  • Terrorism Risk Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2007(TRIA)
    Dec 18, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, I opposed both the earlier versions of this bill, of the TRIA bill, but I support this one. This bill is shorter in duration, and it requires more participation by the private sector. Effectively, in the bill the Federal Government is a backstop, a reinsurer ... More
  • Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 4351, AMT Relief Act of 2007
    Dec 12, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, you know, I find this whole debate rather perplexing. What the majority party is saying is that in order to leave people's taxes the same, in order to leave them where they are now, they have to raise taxes on somebody else. They have to pay for leaving your ... More
  • Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
    Dec 6, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ask that while the House consider this energy legislation, that they take into account that the CAFE provision in this bill does nothing to clarify the critical issue of which federal government agency has the lead on regulating fuel economy... More
  • Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007
    Nov 15, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the ranking member for yielding. I wish this manager's amendment was going to make this a good bill and improve this bill, but it is not making it a good bill. We have a patient that is sick. That is the mortgage market. But what we are doing here is practicin... More
  • Providing for the Consideration of H.Res. 817, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Act, 2008
    Nov 14, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Let's talk about what is really going on here. If somebody is an alcoholic, they understand they shouldn't drink. What they will do oftentimes is they will ask their friends to help them, you know, come in the house. Make sure I don't have any alcohol here. Keep me honest... More
  • Temporary Tax Relief Act of 2007
    Nov 9, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, let's look at what this bill does. It basically leaves the alternative minimum tax the same as it is now. That is not a tax cut. But to ``pay'' for leaving some taxpayers' taxes alone, they are going to raise other people's taxes. Now, I'm sure that in a mome... More
  • Conference Report on H.R. 3222 of Defense Appropriations Act, 2008
    Nov 8, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentleman from Arizona. I will be very happy to hear what the answer from the lady from New York is because I think the question before us is if the majority party wants to clean up this earmark process, or do they just want to say they are cleaning up the ear... More
  • Homeowners Defense Act of 2007
    Nov 8, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Chairman, I stand here before you as a Member of Congress not from Florida; in fact, from California. But I support this bill. If a tsunami were to hit Honolulu, there is not enough insurance base in the entire State for all the types of insurance there could possibly... More
  • Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2007
    Oct 30, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentleman from Texas for yielding. Let's make it clear what this bill does not do. What it does not do is it does not prohibit States or localities from putting general application taxes on Internet transactions as they would apply if that transaction were t... More