• Congressmen support Israel’s strikes on Gaza
    Jan 8, 2009  - As bombs, shells and rockets continue to fly in Gaza Strip, Newport-Mesa’s congressmen are coming out in support of Israel, saying the country has a right to defend itself. “If the United States were attacked by one of its neighbors, or any other foreign power for that matter, we would respon... More
  • O.C. Reps agree with Obama on economic woes; differ on Rx
    Jan 8, 2009  - Two Orange County Republican House members may agree with the president-elect on his diagnosis of the nation’s economic distress but they don’t totally buy his prescription. And so far one lawmaker says Barack Obama may be overstating the problem. I talked to Reps. Ken Calvert, John Campbell and ... More
  • POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: Campbell; Share your gripes for laws
    Jan 7, 2009  - Rep. John Campbell is urging his constituents to share their frustrations with the federal government through a new feature on his website called “It shouldn’t be a law.” Visitors to Campbell’s website, campbell.house.gov, can fill out a form, reporting laws they view as wasteful, duplicative o... More
  • Senate GOP puts brakes on bailout - The Washington Times
    Dec 11, 2008  - The $15 billion bailout loan for Detroit automakers that the House passed Wednesday is still far from a done deal as a collection of Senate Republicans is raising roadblocks to the taxpayer-funded handout brokered by Democrats and the White House. "These rescue loans are necessary - not to reward ... More
  • Auto bailout may affect Buchanan's wallet - Politico
    Dec 9, 2008  - Proponents of a bailout for the Big Three say all Americans have a stake in the survival of the U.S. auto industry. But few people have as much of a stake as Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan. One of the richest members of Congress, the freshman Republican once owned nearly 20 car dealerships. He c... More
  • Atlas Blinked - Reason Magazine
    Dec 1, 2008  - Every Wednesday in Washington, conservatives gather in the conference room of Grover Norquist's pressure group, Americans for Tax Reform, to hash out arguments and promote their projects. The off-the-record meetings are notorious among liberals: proof of the shudder-inducing organizational powers of... More
  • Coping with a flailing market - Daily Pilot
    Dec 1, 2008  - This fall, many political observers were surprised to see staunchly conservative Rep. John Campbell not only support but take a leading role in the passage of what was called the “economic bailout” bill. Later, it came to be known as the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) and politicians refe... More
  • Rep. Campbell Awarded “Guardian of Worker Freedom”
    Nov 25, 2008  - Today, Rep. Campbell (R-CA) was honored by the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) with their fifth annual “Guardian of Worker Freedom.” The free-market, worker rights organization presents the award to members of the U.S. Congress who vote in favor of worker’s rights, and free and open labor markets ... More
  • O.C. economists call Obama's money team 'a good choice' - OC Register
    Nov 24, 2008  - Barack Obama has promised to be the change president but Orange County financial experts are glad he reached out to people with considerable experience to head up his economic team. Obama's pick for treasury secretary, New York Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner, has been "in the thick of the ... More
  • G.M.’s Latest Great Green Hope Is a Tall Order - NY Times
    Nov 22, 2008  - The Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in hybrid, will not arrive in showrooms until late 2010. But it is already straining under the weight of an entire company. Executives at General Motors, the largest and apparently the most imperiled of the three American car companies, are using the Volt as the centerpi... More