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Step 1. Move More Step 2. Eat Better Step 3. Don't Smoke

How Your FREE Personal Plan Works
  1. Create Personal Plan
    Take the assessment quiz and set goals that work for you. Personal Plan Tools then help you meet your goals.
  2. Record Achievements Daily
    Each day, use your daily journal to record your progress. Print your daily journals out or use the online tool.
  3. Update Goals Weekly
    At the end of each week, enter your week-end totals from your daily journals into your Weekly Journal Calculator. This on-going motivation keeps you on track!
  4. Health Risk Appraisal (HRA)
    After creating a Personal Plan, complete the HRA. The HRA is a tool that provides a confidential, in-depth assessment and recommendations for health improvement.

Message from Dr. Wisdom
Michigan's Surgeon General, Dr. Kimberlydawn WisdomAs Michigan's Surgeon General, I invite all Michigan people, businesses and communities to step up to a healthier lifestyle. Working together, we can make lasting changes that improve the quality of life in Michigan.

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 •  Create Personal Plan
 •  Access Personal Plan Tools
 •  Surgeon General's Tip of the Day
 •  MI Health Tools
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