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Alarm clock didn't go off and overslept. Oops.
Drat! Left my laptop power supply in my hotel room I think
Listening to a argument about Latin American politics
@dubaifeed I'll be back in Dubai toward the end of Feb.
@rajatpandit at DLD * no live cast but video going up later I think
Listening to David Kirkpatrick interview Mark Zuckerberg
Testing the new Twhirl client
Dinner with Marko
Arrived Munich
Just started snowing and flight is delayed
At Narita airport on my way to Munich to attend DLD
Just finished dinner cooking on our irori:
Posting to Seesmic from
WoW humor from @snowchyld US Democracy patch day:
Thanks for bringing Creative Commons to the White House!
irc:// for IRC chat
Congratulations America (and yay for the rest of us too)!
Got NPR... finally. Yay NPR!
Thanks for all of the links... however, I think the Internet from the US to Japan, at least to Chiba, is just overloaded
OK... video streams are crapping out. Anyone know a reliable audio stream so I can hear the speech?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder sean bonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Adam Hertz Scott Beale Thomas Knoll Jon Bohlinger Dave Winer GregElin Derek Powazek joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Jyri Engeström Jason Fields Petteri Koponen Zack Rosen Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Heath Row
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