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@phillprice Well I said America, not the world. The problem with world is as much the knot as is I-95 (which is also here in the States) ;)
The Windsor Knot is what is wrong with America today.
@EGlue well it is all flash. and the vid does play autoatically... but it's a fun video. I'll be late but see you soon
The video on this page is compelling marketing. Bars should have ompelling content showing people having fun!
@queenofspain I'm convinced Blago is smoking something. He's just a couple eggs short of a dozen
@brightkite ah good. Sorry for shooting first. I reported both at the same time
@jeffq73 then its broke. Whatever the reason, Brightkite needs to be smarter. Ordinary users shouldn't need to know that.
@brightkite Washington, DC != Washington City either
@jeffq73 Huntington but it shouldn't matter. If I want to check into a city, I should have to check into an ambiguous neighborhood
Black & Decker to cut 1200 jobs
@chrisbrogan "advertising broken. What's next?" - Blogs! And I can help unbreak them and stimulate my economy :-p
Yay Amazon! Smoking Q4 earnings.
@scottsteaf I tried to share it on friendfeed but there was no visual lure to click. You need that mediarss plugin I mentioned :)
DCDB is tonight... I could go and shoot some photos.... Hmmm. Decisions
@brightkite that's what you said last time. :) Alexandria is kind of a big city to misname. :)
@brightkite any word on getting Alexandria, VA named properly (not Arlandria)? It's been a few months now... ASAP would be good
RTg @mensan98th: @technosailor The mantis-like Pelosi haunts children's dreams.
@timbrauhn that's a good guess!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Joshua Kinberg Dave McClure Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus Clarence Wooten Derek Gathright Martin Hall Scott Beale David Crow Dustin Jacobsen Brett Petersel Lynn Wallenstein Randy Jason Calacanis Kelly Cookson Glenda taorist Carlos Granier George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Dan Cederholm Keith Williams Manuel randy stewart Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Melyssa L. Geoff DiMasi
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