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FAQs > Support HSF: Donor Privacy


(Download Donor Bill of Rights PDF)

This is policy is effective of as of July 7, 2008.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is committed to respecting your privacy.

HSF will never exchange, share or sell any of the information you provide, except as expressly set forth herein.  Your contact information is solely to inform you of opportunities to participate in and/or support the mission and work of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. At any time, you may request to be removed from our contact list. To do so, simply email Heather Cleary at hcleary@hsf.net or call 415-808-2332.

Our annual report publishes the names of individuals who contribute $1,000 and above. You may, however, choose to waive this benefit by designating your support as “anonymous.” This ensures your name will never appear on any public, HSF donor list.


The Hispanic Scholarship Fund adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.

Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good.  It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life.  To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, it is declared that all donors have these rights. 

  1. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purpose.
  2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  3. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
  6. To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
  8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
  10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful, and forthright answers.


HSF respects the privacy of every individual who visits www.hsf.net. The following explains our online information practices. By visiting www.hsf.net, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Data Collection

We collect two types of information:

1. Standard Web server traffic pattern information. General traffic, site usage, and length of stay information is collected and stored in log file. This type of information is shared externally on an aggregated basis only.

2. Personal information. We do not collect personally identifiable information from you unless you provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. If you volunteer, order a product, request information, or donate, for example, we may collect the following information: first and last name, street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, email address, and subject of inquiry.

Personal information may be needed for certain optional online activities:

If you register to participate in an HSF event (e.g. a dinner, outreach event, or golf tournament) using our event registration site, we collect your basic personal information such as address and phone number. We may also ask you if you are an HSF scholarship recipient to better understand community involvement of our alumni.

If you choose to use a credit card to donate or purchase through this site, we collect standard credit card information (card number, card type, expiration date) and keep a record of your financial transaction. Credit card numbers are held only until the charge can be processed (usually several minutes). If you submit your credit card information on paper, the information is destroyed immediately after the transaction is complete.

If you submit an online request for HSF products such as free brochures, or submit a question through a “contact us” query, we may have to gather additional information from you to respond to your request. Such information will vary with the request but often includes name, shipping address, telephone number, and email address.

Use of Constituent Data

Internal Use

1. If you do not make a service request, donation, purchase, or otherwise identify yourself, we will have no personally identifiable information about you. We will only use aggregate information derived, in part, from your use of our site to improve our site and our service to you.

2. If you provide personal information, we may enter your name into our constituent database and contact you in order to:

Complete voluntary surveys seeking feedback for quality and service improvement purposes.

Supply you with information including HSF related news, HSF programs, events and services.

Request voluntary time or monetary contributions to HSF.

Request your participation in an HSF research studies.

3. We collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us by email. Inquiries may be forwarded to the appropriate HSF department for response and may be entered into our constituent database. If your name is entered into the database, we may contact you for the above-mentioned purposes.

External Use

Your personal information will not be shared or released to any organization or business entity other than those affiliated with or working in conjunction with HSF as follows:

1. We occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service and prohibit them from using that information for any other purpose.

2. We may share your personal information in order to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims, or where we believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person or as otherwise required by law.

3. We may transfer your personal information in connection with an acquisition or merger of HSF with or into another company.

4. Finally, we may share aggregated anonymous information about visitors to our web site with our clients, partners and other third parties so that they can understand the kinds of visitors to our web site and how those visitors use the our web site.


We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information and to honoring your choices for its intended use. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we strive to maintain physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards. However, HSF makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation that the use of our website is protected from viruses, security threats, or other vulnerabilities and that your information will always be secure.

While we have implemented commercially reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes.  You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk.

In the event that personal information is compromised as a result of a breach of security, we will promptly notify those persons whose personal information has been compromised, in accordance with the notification procedures set forth in this Privacy Policy, or as otherwise required by applicable law.


It is the policy of HSF to provide notifications, whether such notifications are required by law or are for marketing or other business related purposes, to our constituents or web site users, via e-mail notice, written or hard copy notice, or through conspicuous posting of such notice on our web site page, www.hsf.net, as determined by HSF in its sole discretion.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, HSF reserves the right to determine the form and means of providing notifications to our constituents or web site users.


This Privacy Policy will be updated periodically and posted on our Web site and we will indicate at the top of this page the Privacy Policy's effective date. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by posting revisions. You agree to review the Privacy Policiy each time you use our Web site so that you are aware of any modifications. By accessing or using the Web site, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the HSF Privacy Policy as posted at the time of your access or use. If you have any questions about our policy or our compliance, you may send us an email at info@hsf.net or write to:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
55 Second Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94105