Stephen Alison’s Favorites

Kevin Rose
Dave Caolo
panache I find most people who say, " can't do that with Macs" don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Victor Agreda Jr
vagredajr Listening to the theme from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to pump me up. Banjo + synths, is there any sweeter sound?
Arnold Kim
arnoldkim - something I'd been working on. very basic version up. specific rss pages avail on each search filter
Robert Bruce
robertbruce Seriously. Nobody cares about your emotionally charged, intellectually barren political opinions. Just stop.
Chris Turner
retrophisch Have implemented Snell's political filter ( via Secrets in Twitterrific. Am expecting to be much happier, Twitter-wise.
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Look if Sarah Paplin had sucked like Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman did, I'd be relishing it. God damn, I'd be reslihing it.
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass I can't believe some of you think Palin's speech was "bad." It was a star oerformance. Stop kidding yourself. I WISH it was bad.
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass It's fine to revel in the denigrations of fellow Obama supporters, but this speech will be celebrated as strong, confident, aggressive.
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass I humbly suggest that if you don't see what Palin is achieving in this speech, you're talking yourself into believing there's no challenge.
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Sarah is killing, too. Come on people, I can't say it any other way. The RNC is kicking butt in their own cloying way tonight.
Ariel Waldman
arielwaldman zomg, @strutting pointed me to this mythbusters archive:
Michael T. Rose
MikeTRose The LOST collolary to Linus' Law ( Given enough eyeballs, all plot twists are transparent.
Dan Wood
danwood @macguitar My life has been improved since adding (obama|Clinton|Obama|clinton|Hillary|hillary) to 'Filter Tweettext' in Secrets.prefpane.
Stephen Alison
st3phen Twitter in Plain English video (lifted from @retrophisch 's blog.
C.K. Sample III
cksthree Oooh, i want Inchworm for my DS. Perfect pocket doodler from the sounds of it:
Stephen Alison
st3phen *sigh* Twitter + Politics =
Stephen Alison
st3phen I'm not looking forward to what I fear Twitter may look like as we get closer to the upcoming elections


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