RTA Tracker

N° of RTAs in force: 305

Notifications made pursuant to:

  • GATT Art XXIV: 271
  • GATS Art. V: 164
  • Enabling Clause: 61
Goods notifications Cumulative Number of RTAs in force Services notifications Cumulative Notifications of RTAs in force Accessions to an RTA

Recent Notifications

RTA Name Coverage Date of notification Date of entry into force
EU - Pacific States Interim EPA - Accession of Samoa Goods Oct 26 2020 Dec 31 2018
EU - Pacific States Interim EPA - Accession of Solomon Islands Goods Oct 26 2020 May 17 2020
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA/CUSMA/T-MEC) Goods & Services Sep 16 2020 Jul 1 2020
EU - Viet Nam Goods & Services Jul 13 2020 Aug 1 2020
Peru - Australia Goods & Services Jun 24 2020 Feb 11 2020