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The reason my iPhone apps are taking so long is I'm having a hell of a time figuring how to incorporate mass crudeness.
Been developing for iPhone all morning. I got the fever again.
@stevenf Usually it means I @class declared something in the header, and then forgot to #import the appropriate class header in the .m
@cbarrett Well, neti pots have really hit the mainstream. They have a whole wall of them for sale at my Walgreens.
@cbarrett Your skepticism surprises me. If there is a sinus component to your current sickness, I think flushing will help.
@cbarrett I just a cup. But it does indeed help for sinus problems.
@merrysuperstar Yes, there are countless ways in which having two separately named projects helps Xcode cope. Fixed many AppleScripts, e.g.
Xcode tip: rename the project file for your branched projects, and establish a different shared build results folder for each branched proj.
Apparently I over-estimated the degree to which Movable Type "republishes" in my previous tweet. I didn't mean it to come off so harsh.
It's the little things. Rather than "Untitled Client", Stunt Software uses "First Client" and "New Client."
On the Job 3.0 looks amazing. Good work. Congratulations, @danmessing. You're a programming superhero.
@AmyJane So now you're calling this poor guy a clown? Yeah, you better get thee to another gym.
@ejacqui This is the joy and heartache of Movable Type. Where publishing means "*something* changed, rebuilding the whole site now...."
Top use limiter of the iPhone? Application organization.
My two mid-day appointments of the week are conveniently scheduled during blizzard hours.
@akcoder This, I have no counter-argument for ;) If you are inspired to write your own, then by all means!
@akcoder At least spend 5 minutes looking at macros from the "Edit" item in the Markup Menu. It will take less time than you think to learn!
Congratulations to @benjaminjackson whose Blogo blog editor is a MBW pick of the week! http://www.drinkbrainjuice....
Uploading photos to Tumblr. Kicking multi-part form encoding's ass, for hopefully the last time.


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