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laughing myself silly listening to Elbow B-sides 'One Thing', welcome relief from the furious exchanges of email & docs on more than 1 front
Damn. Up before alarm again
Day's work is over. Internet and phone are crapped out so sleep for 6 hours i guess
@Zoonie just got this ! not today or tomorrow but Wed morning I am !
@highsteph and @aussiecynic it was remarkably easy, the extra RAM hasn't made a huge difference after all so 512 is ok, I'm stunned really
it was nice to see @stephenfry help get @wossy out of the naughty corner last night (i know it was on Sky+ !) good 2 see them on twitter 2!
on my way to London again, 3rd time this month. let's hope the train is trouble free this time, I do like free wifi but fast would be better
took my new little Acer apart to fit some extra ram, hardest laptop upgrade i've done to date but went smotthly and all running agian :)
NAS is back online and humming along while I update everything, might use opportunity to move some stuff about
Ireally enjoyed #igniteuknorth last night, good to see @imran and @techiedog again
@imran_ali did u turn twitterific on or off, i couldn't tell
Time warp - I'm back at an O'Reilly event, this time in Leeds
@huslage Cool ! glad you went there now then I guess :D
windows 7 is loaded and after some fracking about the wireless is up too now
attempting to put Windows 7 beta on new Acer netbook while i try and get back in to corporate mail
@choonmonger i've been out of twitter touch for some time, send updates but not read, running twhirl for 1st time in months it seems
I just thanked Obama, you can too
I'm submersing myself in the opportunities around Health, kind of appropriate for me (for those that know me!!)
@imran and now I AM coming after all thanks mainly to Imrans prompt reminder Ihave to say