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Retweeting @KathySierra: Hoping recession puts a dagger in bizmodels where Venn diag of "Good For Company"&"Good For Customer" don't overlap
@johnbattelle @OrenMichels - metaphorically I agree - execution ? explain please
@blaine Stormy - not starry - sniff
@jonsteinberg Mazel Tov! Iforgot - get off twitter silly..;)
@johnbattelle not at all i just welcome some new innovation - and constraint breeds innovation
attention internet archive needs you so they can legally/appropriately archive their social web participation
Retweeting @mattb: popular on delicious? it's like the old days again. ROFL
@johnbattelle just lots of copcats-like that scene in 'The Player'-"it's like FB meets youtube meets flickr" for [insert market niche here]
@jonsteinberg reconnect again?
@mattsnod @randymatheson not my pony - but the pony I ride every week. -
@garyvee don't feel too bad about the jazz hands - just a sign of an animated speaker - you should see some of mine - lol
@shellen happy biorthday mini- shellen [what the heck!]
damn- got karate kicked on sundaybymy pony-it left a wicked mark -the full black & blue rainbow-good thing it's winter and hidden from view
Retweeting @HarvardBiz: Chutzpah can be a good thing, but like all good things, it must be used in moderation.
small mention of P&G Social Media Lab yesterday! seems listening is all the rage - it is indeed the place to start:
@pblackshaw nice quote yesterday..;)
just got direct mail spam for advance tickets to Jonas Brothers &Dark Knight IMAX-not sure what this says about me.hmmm..someone is confused
just realized that my rice cooker has a dual purpose - it gives an awesome steam facial!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen davegray Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Jay Goldman Ross Om Malik tedr Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Adam Hertz adam rifkin Scott Beale David Crow Erika Hall Rear Adm. Monteiro Rob Hayes Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Emily Davidow Jorge Mir Dave Morin
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