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in ethiopia! having a great time! wish you were here!
going offline for about 12 days. probably won't be tweeting from ethiopia. bye bye!
inbox zero at work for a few glorious moments!
leaving work to head home and finish packing. i really hope my three year old is napping. it's going to be a long night on the airplane.
@wordnerdy i have one letter from a college flame that makes me cry whenever i stumble across it every few years.
@wordnerdy did those letters from hs boyfriend make you cry?
@redneckmommy ugh. stay away from those married guys! what wife would want her husband flirting on twitter with gorgeous you?
I've seen movies with this woman and had absolutely no idea. still can't remember her. weird, eh?
one of my high school classmates is on saturday night live, and i don't even recognize her. from a class of like 233.
up way too late before my 10 day internet withdrawl.
worst flight schedule ever tomorrow: plane leaves at 10pm, arrive in Addis at 3am. this with a three year old. ugh.
@mantruc are you talking about college-aged folks? i always think it's because they don't hear the weather forecast--no radio in dorm.
so there was a recession declared retroactive a year, and the dow plunged. umm... is saving me tonight... gmail is super slow even while google reader is zipping along.
also, i will be The Face of All White Western Parents Who Have Adopted Ethiopian Children. so can't be too sloppy.
@dcm not in egypt or ethiopia! denim is everywhere.
@acarvin great news about ken rudin blogging! thanks for passing that along.
@dcm hmm. what material is that?
ten days in ethiopia. how many pairs of pants do i need?


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