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i hate the fact that the nip/tuck writers have decided to rip random bits from chuck palahniuk's books and do them poorly.
@joshuakaufman I don’t have a lot of experience with Things, i came from Omnifocus. Functionality-wise, I think THL beats both.
i didn’t think any app would make me quit omnifocus. but “the hit list” did. beautiful work, @andypotion
reading the headline "record labels pressure Spotify to restrict service", i keep thinking "record labels are clueless".
when an interview in Davos is going boring, ask about which parties the interviewee went to the night before.
listening to clint mansell. reading a comic book (haven't done it since i was a kid). i shouldn't be all emotional about it, but I am.
@missrogue well, you shouldn't worry - she's totally using comic sans on her slides. people won't take her seriously, like ever.
every industry is doomed if they don’t beat the experience of searching a site for something (music/video/book) and getting it in seconds.
@tmacedo i kinda hate you right now :-)
@loic i think you'll like this. may be interesting for your session on privacy:
just posted a couple of thoughts on google's acquisition strategy. - I would love feedback if you have it. RT at will
since everyone's joining anyway, i'd love to have some telco executives (.pt or otherwise) on twitter. bet there's a lot they could learn.
who should i send massive amounts of candy to in order to get one of the larger-screen kindle 2s when they're finally released? help!
i appear to have contracted some sort of unicorn-based headache that doesn't even go away with the magic of modern medicine.
generalizations suck, but some of the journalists covering the steve jobs hospital story are morons. care for an example?
i find that it is harder to unfollow people i know use qwitter than other people. not that i don't like to look like an ass but.. ya know.
people keep forgetting the #1 rule of video podcasts. audio quality should top intro quality on your priority lists. get with the program.
how is it that people watch 30rock without getting a totally weird crush on tina fey?
SXSWi is closing in and i still haven't registered. Decisions, decisions. Schedule is looking pretty good as always, though.
a quote for the weekend: - I'll try to do this every week.


Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest veen hans.gerwitz danah boyd Ross tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Dan Saffer Dave Winer lane becker Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter João Antunes Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jyri Engeström Stowe Boyd José Marques David Young Emily Chang Jeremy Keith
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