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@bigguyd My rule of thumb WAS that I followed everyone back & deleted spammers 1 by 1. But I can't follow @rainnwilson, so I need to purge.
@murphysblues @ddgriffith @Sharoney @Lifefun I'm not deleting you guys! You are real!
@twitter Now following a lot less people. Can I please follow @rainnwilson now?
@_unfollow / Tw!tter Unfollowers Bye. What are you anyway?
@Osunga / WWW BOOOM COM Bye.
@infogdss29 When I see infogdss29, Ihave to think about what that means. Who it is. It's easier if you use a real name.
@douglaspaul I need to unfollow a bunch of people. I dislike fake names. It's so much easier to see a real name and know who it is.
@d2k What does d2k mean?
@ariherzog I'm just looking through followers and many have fake names. They are easy to delete.
I'm unfollowing people who don't use their real names.
@Hybernaut That's interesting since twitter is auto-following everyone that follows me. So now I need to manually unfollow people. Bye bye.
@cc_chapman Are you going to stick around in town after HubSpot tomorrow?
@abbyladybug I was auto-following everyone new via twitter. Now that seems to have stopped and I can't follow anyone new.
@brookmis I would follow @rainnwilson anywhere if twitter let me.
I stopped following @jesuschrist. Now can I start following @rainnwilson?
Can't I follow 9,518 or 9,519 people?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Josh Kopelman Jason Shellen Maggie Mason hans.gerwitz Noah Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Rod Begbie sean bonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Justin Williams Om Malik Joshua Kinberg steve epstein Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Mark Taylor
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