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Success= Just bought my 5th hannuchistmas present for my family! and plans for nye travel finalized. merci a dieu.
At cafe Sant Ambroeus next to Calvin Klein and Wallace Shawn. I know: inconceiveable!
What are your inauguration plans? Developing a plan for grassroots coverage + participation. DM to get involved.
Freezing rain = 3 minute trip back up ancient elevator for umbrella
@JasonCalacanis How can we save the imploding news media industry? :)
Venturing out into the snow! And possibly to @shakeshack to witness debauchery.
@skydiver Thanks for the follow! I knew you way back when. Hope karma and nasa are well :)
Shoe-throwing Iraqi journalist gets Pakistan tribute
@JasonCalacanis 2,500 square feet at $1,700? That is the stuff of legend. Well played sir.
Pakistan assembly passes resolution in tribute to shoe-thrower (!!!) Wake up world.
serenity now, serenity now
Nice! 58% of US newspapers accepting 'user-generated content'-- up from 24% in 2007
@ceonyc @cckarl -- There will be @GroundReport representation! And video documentation;)
Boo: Columbia U. snatches more land in Harlem
RT @jessicacoen [obligatory comment regarding the weather]
RT!! @ceonyc: There will be a Silicon Alley snowball fight at 3PM at the ShakeShack/Mad Sq Pk. Bring cameras. Leave fear home. #nycsnowball
Brain melting from discussions over designing new flash-based video editor. Help? Thoughts on iMovie vs. QuickTime vs. Kaltura?
@rachelsklar Spoken like a true canuck-- but honey, you're one of us now. I expect kvetching at approx 14:00 EST.
@JaclynRJohnson ugh and I have a feeling my stiletto boots are going to be destroyed.


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