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@bryanmason There's a whole Republicans for Obama blog at and a campaign post with video endorsements at
Suddenly reminded of Carville's quote: "When your opponent is drowning, throw him an anvil." [paraphrased]
On a conference call with Barack Obama.
Sadness is: a voter with hand tremors asking my gay co-worker to help mark her ballot to remove rights of gay couples in FL. He did.
Pinellas county in Florida has more Dems than Repubs registered. 249,252 to 237,826 for diff of +11,426. Close race here. Sharp divisions.
Amazing moment of the week: Dying woman w/ metastasized cancer donating time to drive voters w/o cars to the polls.
Finding it hard to believe that I'm the first to tell people in this campaign office in Florida(!) about W: The Movie.
Sorry. Just mistweeted about Prop 8 in California. Which is misleading, dangerous, and harmful. Needs a vote of NO.
In Millbrae? Yeah, I keep hearing about this from east bay suburbs too. They're pretty socially conservative. :(
Obama staff in Florida is making fun of my Twitter shirt. It's safe to assume they're jealous.
I like Weisberg's term "life-jacket capitalism" to describe our new era. Guess we should tag "laissez-faire" as deprecated.
Ok, voted. Guess it's time to get involved with how others are voting! (In Florida tomorrow.)
A lesson (of many) this weekend: Sure, filmmaking is demanding but not as frustrating as method hiding in Objective C.
I loved watching "The Second Line", a short film set amongst the FEMA trailers of New Orleans. Really great. On iTunes.
@cousroz thnx. i'm in FL on the 8th. my small knowledge re online stuff: 1) common sense 2) any on-the-ground haps, just ask beforehand.
Things that smell like sweaty balls: people who "know" about economics, dirty testicles.
Be it resolved today that were I ever to write a cookbook its title would be "Destination: Mouth!"
No less an author than Mark Twain once said: "That's so wrong, it's Palin." Our American literary heritage is our greatest export.
Reuters reports Dems in Congress have bailout bill with enough votes to send to Bush. Can McCain #unsuspend now?
As of today I'm #suspending my rent to focus on the economy. Calling on my landlord to do the same.