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  • In Case You Missed It: Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: The all-talk, no-action Congress goes back to work'
    Sep 9, 2008  - Congress returned to work Monday evening -- if you want to call it that. It might be more accurate to say members of the House and Senate returned to Washington for several weeks of speechifying and vilifying before returning to the campaign trail for more of the same -- and leaving a pile of unfini... More
  • In Case You Missed It: Washington Post Editorial: Snake Oil
    Aug 12, 2008  - THE NATURAL Resources Defense Council Action Fund has taken out full-page ads in this newspaper and others to decry offshore drilling for oil as "George W. Bush's Gasoline Price Elixir" that is "100% Snake Oil." The environmental group calls on supporters "to stop the giveaway of our coasts." It is ... More
  • In Case You Missed It: Wall Street Journal Editorial: Pelosi's Energy Stonewall
    Aug 1, 2008  - Hell -- otherwise known as Congress -- has officially frozen over. For the first time since the 1950s, Members will skip town today for the August recess without either chamber having passed a single appropriations bill. Then again, Democrats appear ready to sacrifice their whole agenda, even spendi... More
  • In Case You Missed It: Investor's Business Daily Editorial: Last But Not Leased
    Jul 18, 2008  - Energy Policy: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing the "Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands Act" to block offshore drilling. The fact is, these offshore rigs may be the ticket to saving both our coasts and our economy. The act would deny oil companies any new leases unless they can show that they'r... More
  • In Case You Missed It: Washington Post Editorial: FISA's Fetters
    Jul 9, 2008  - THE AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union, in a letter we printed yesterday, accused us of backing a surveillance bill that would give the president "unfettered power to spy on Americans," reducing the role of the court overseeing the surveillance to "little more than serving as a rubber stamp." Sen. Russe... More
    Feb 7, 2007  - Here we go again. Another campaign promise – broken. In the days surrounding Election Day, Democrats declared the return of five-day work weeks, implying that Congressmen didn’t work unless they were in Washington, D.C. voting. Well, the first month of the 110th Congress is over, and the Democrat... More
    Jan 9, 2007  - Don’t be fooled by the headlines. The minimum wage bill that Democrats pushed though the House of Representatives on January 10 was just for show. If a minimum wage increase is eventually sent to the President for his signature, I predict it will look quite different from the House Democrats’ idea. ... More
  • Congressman Pat Tiberi's Capitol Notebook
    Sep 8, 2006  - Everyone concerned about federal spending should be pleased with legislation under consideration in the Senate that would allow anyone with web access to track money flowing to federal grants, contracts and the like. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act creates a Google-like sea... More
  • Congressman Pat Tiberi's Capitol Notebook
    Jun 29, 2006  -   Good news from Washington on spending? Believe it! If you think the House of Representatives isn’t doing anything to rein in spending, I urge you to think again. Republican members of the Appropriations Committee have rejected Democrat attempts to add some $45 billion—that’s right, b... More
  • The Older Americans Act is Ready
    Jun 15, 2006  - The Older Americans Act is Ready for an Update U.S. Reps. Pat Tiberi (R-OH) Chairman, House Subcommittee on Select Education It's one of the most important laws for the health and welfare of our country's senior citizens, but most Americans, including many elderly, may not be aware it exi... More