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Michael Steele is to RNC as Capt. Edward Smith is to Titanic.
RT @evilgrrl "Biggest problem .. with Medicare .. seems..designed to try to deny everyone benefits." YEP: time for single-payer nat. health
Darn: had hoped Limbaugh would have won RNC through write-in, followed by self-immolation.
@ricksanchezcnn These executives desperately need compulsory course in ethics.Would love to see compensation limit of x times lowest worker
pivotal chapter of "Democratizing Data" (or alt. title in the works) finally taking shape. Components were all there, but lacked flow!
@amcafee Tek return is marriage of convenience,til one of minor leaguers matures or they can trade.With luck maybe can jack average to .230
RedSox:now to sign Manny for peanuts as caddy for Jason Bay,like Vern Stephens was for Teddy.Oops:Vern actually could play left.Never mind..
@PeterSantilli That's a good one. My favorite for current mess is the ideogram wei ji: crisis, combining ones for danger & opportunity
@_IslandGirl_ Da_IslandGirl_? Has sort of a Jamaican sound to it
RedSox: thank goodness Tek came to his senses & signed with the Sox. Boras be damned!
URGENT: need to have one of you fanatics do a tweet 5 min. before half-time on Sunday so that I can tune in to see The Boss..
Classic New England solution to exec. pay issue: why not put them in stocks? Free rotten tomatoes for the throwing
also on Tim Smith, senior vice president of Walden Asset Management on shaming exec's into lower compensation
NYT's Leonhardt on Reverse norms of last 35 years: emphasize investment before consumption, favor long term.
@cheeky_geeky correct in assuming military have done noodling about how access to real-time, actionable data changes decision making?
RT @davewiner "USe only wealthy country in which the economic catastrophe will also be a health care catastrophe."
Critics who say stimulus won't work quickly full of hooey: hasn't even passed&I'm already getting spam about stimulus payments to individs.
repeat request:if I'm right about benefits of providing actionable real-time data to all workers,any theorists writing on new manage.styles?
Won't call Blago until 9 Central to discuss various initiatives he might undertake on behalf of the little people of the world
Hard to think of a better Obama foil than Limbaugh: Any moderate GOP types have to be repulsed by bloviator.


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