One Minute Speech on Limited Government


The Honorable Jason Chaffetz, UT-03
One Minute Speech on Limited Government
January 21, 2009
Thank you, Mr./Madam Speaker. Some among us believe that Government holds the keys to our prosperous future. Some have argued that only Government can solve our challenges.
I beg to differ.
Our freedom. Our liberty. Indeed, our ability to live as free people and thrive is directly proportionate to the limiting of Government in our lives and in our pocketbooks.
We established a Constitution to “secure the Blessings of Liberty.” Our country was founded on the principle of limited Government.
Let us not mistake the need for a more promising economic future as an excuse to allow further encroachment of Government in our lives. Let us seize this moment in time to secure our liberties by limiting our Government.
More Government, more taxes, more spending of the people’s money will NOT solve our challenges. Securing liberty will.
The United States of America is the greatest country on the face of the planet, but liberty, not bigger Government, will allow us to prosper.
Thank you, Mr./Madam Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time.

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