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clang static analyzer is indispensable for debugging obj-c projects. Can be run against the Test target, too.
Looking forward to @gogaruco and maybe @euruko. Still waiting on yabba-dabba-doo-ruco, googoo-gaagaa-ruco and gosinco (Gotham Sinatra Conf).
"Your Netflix queue now has more items than the number of weeks in an average human lifespan. We've started a new queue for your next life."
@marick I was hoping to stay all in the ObjC state of mind, but I'll check that out.
Unit testing options on Objective-C are shoddy. Backward args, poor failure messages. Where's the @jeremymcanally of Cocoa?
10 months old. Two feet off the ground pullup. I had better start working out or he'll be able to overpower his old man by kindergarten.
And now, the aforementioned podcast with @jeremymcanally
Recorded podcast with @jeremymcanally. Hope to publish later today.
A prototype of my experimental 15-minute time tracker from an idea by @daveseah:
There must be some evolutionary benefit to being able to pull objects out of baskets, take all the books off the bookshelf, and rip paper.
It appears that Apple won't engrave a Unicode skull and crossbones on my iPod Touch. Lame.
I'm Geoffrey Grosenbach and I approve of this week's Rails Envy podcast.
Are you operating a Ruby workshop or conference this year? There's now a public form to announce it here: http://rubyonrailsworkshops...
Recorded a top secret podcast with a popular weekly Rails news show.
Perl source now stored in Git at Alternate URL is Perl Bacon Eggs Perl Perl and Perl.
Today's date happens to be 1/4!! Please use the maximum 140 characters allotted to you by Twitter in all your messages today. Refrigerator.
Using the financial site makes me want to spend more money so I can see the budget charts fill up with colors.
Hacking with Sinatra, Haml, Blueprint CSS and a Prototype.js carousel widget.
Did not realize the full power of Rails named_scope queries until today. Props to @nkallen
Opened my medium format camera and found one last unexposed frame. I think it was symbolic of the forgotten past and the unlived future.


rabble Sarah Milstein Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Manton Reece Justin Williams JD Harrington J Chris Anderson Jon Larkowski Jeremy Hubert Buster McLeod Blake Burris Michael Buffington Lars Pind Jonathan Wight Sarah Hatter John Nunemaker Brian Eng Dan Cederholm James Andrews Pat Allan John Hornbaker Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Robert S Andersen Dan Benjamin Alex Hillman Jason Watkins Lachlan Hardy Matt Pelletier Brad Pauly Michael Ivey lisa Michael Koziarski Hickensian
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