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@TonyDabruzzi 8 years living in Minnesota and never even heard of Lucan, MN until I looked at your post.
@traeblain HHRS stands for Hugh Hewitt Radio Show
@traeblain It is a form of a tag that groups similar messages together. Use to see the results.
Ron Howard said at least 37 "you know"s in under 10 minutes during the Hugh Hewitt's interview. (and Hugh spoke half the time) #hhrs
A surprising amount of stuttering by Ron Howard's interview: and, and, and...; the, the, the...; but; ums and uhs. #hhrs
You know, the Ron Howard interview with Hugh Hewitt reminded me, you know, of Caroline Kennedy, you know #hhrs
@guykawasaki And the Post Office just requested Congressional approval to cut back deliveries to 5 days a week. Sorry Netflix.
@Slugger41 If any Republicans vote for the pork Stimulus bill, they will end up regretting it.
@thegizwiz Dick, some marketing feedback for you. The cover was so great, I just signed up with MAD for a 2 year subscription.
The 2009 Presidential Inauguration - (Before and After) #hhrs
@guykawasaki Thanks for the link. That video is a riot. The "universal truth".
1928 stimulus package slogan: "A chicken in every pot"; 2009 stimulus package slogan: "A condom on every..." #hhrs
A Photoshopped Republican chessboard versus a Democrat chessboard - illustrating their philosophical differences. #hhrs
@TonyDabruzzi I went crazy today and helped take down the Christmas tree ornaments. Next month, I'll tackle the tree itself.
My Jack Russell Terrier in "Active Search Mode" in the deep snow looking for his tennis ball.
Hey Hugh, why should I donate any money to the RNC when they keep doing stupid things like this? #hhrs
The US economy is in the tank and President Obama signs an Executive Order allowing taxpayer $ to fund overseas abortion mills? WTF #hhrs
I watched the "Lie to Me" on and "24" on
TV broadcasters must be nervous with shows being carried on the internet 24/7.
You can't say we weren't warned. 12 of President Obama's agenda. Elections have consequences.


Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Robert Scoble Aaron James Lileks Don chrispirillo Michael Arrington Todd Sanders Lee Odden Wil Harris Leo Laporte Mary Katharine Ham John Boehner NRSC Roy Blunt Dr. Bill Smith Duane Lester Guy Kawasaki JimDeMint victorcajiao gopconvention08 Rob McNealy stiennon Saul Anuzis twiq Dick DeBartolo John C. Dvorak Illya D'Addezio Eric Odom Tony Dabruzzi Jay Rosen newsjunkies jamesdowd