Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Isakson Statement on President’s Speech on Iraq  

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) tonight released the following statement in response to President Bush’s speech on Iraq this evening:

“Last Friday, when the President asked me to the White House along with several other senators to offer our opinions on Iraq, I told the President that Georgians have been very supportive of this effort, but they are looking for a resolution and a comprehensive plan.  

“What we’ve heard tonight in the President’s proposal is a comprehensive plan only if the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government buy in to it and fulfill their side of the deal. I certainly hope that will be the case. Only when there is some degree of peace in Baghdad can you bring about the possibility of reconciliation between the various interests and diverse factions. Right now that does not exist, and it won’t exist in the future if the Iraqi military is not capable of working along with the American military to bring peace to the country.  

“The President has got a tough job, and this may be the last opportunity to make a significant difference in the ongoing battle in Iraq. I hope Prime Minister al-Maliki and the Iraqi people will honor their side of this bargain and respond with the military commitment to make this plan work.”




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