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@carnage4life I'd love to see you shipp support for openid+oauth+portablecontacts using this spec, and Facebook is very welcome too
@carnage4life I don't see your point. the OpenID+OAuth hybrid was an IIW discussion with google, microsoft, yahoo and plaxo + others
convertible beetle in front with vanity plate "gramsci" - clearly I'm still in Berkeley
Razorfish data shows friend referrals beat media for engagement 4x: - @markpinc was saying this earlier today
@sillygwailo what do you like writing code in? If it's Java, Google Web Toolkit will write the JS for you
@mkapor how about a 'role' account for public figures, liek @secgen or @DowningStreet ?
for those of you that find Google's homepage too fussy and overdesigned:
@davewiner Twitter should replace the question "What are you doing?" with "what just made you think?"
@davemorin a more open and social web? boy do I have a community standard for you
forbes omit women from their top 10
The hybrid OpenID + OAuth protocol invented at IIW is live for all now:
says @davewiner "software was an easy business in 1986, we had people lining up"
at the BMUG 25th anniversary meetup in Berkeley, listening to Marc Canter reminisce about floppies with viruses on
@carnage4life you're against open protocols today?
@caroliiine most features on Superbowl Ads could be written by a Markov chain, but I'm looking forward to yours
@annecollier danah's just-published thesis is a goldmine of insight about this too
@yishaym yes, exactly - when I saw that it was just like @zephoria's talk and @t's 'are you my friend, yes or no?' in-person gag from 2004
@stshank Looks like a nice shout-out to some engineers to me. With Android, Chrome, OpenSocial, Gears and so on, Google isn't defensive
@Pistachio @loic you knw the current UN Secretary General is on twitter as @secgen ?
@yishaym this one on autistic social software: Read anything @zephoria writes


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Eric Case veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder sean bonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault May Woo Matt Jones Ross Nitin Borwankar Om Malik Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Adam Hertz Dion Hinchcliffe adam rifkin
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