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January 30, 2009
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Hispanic People and History in the Art of the United States Capitol Complex
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Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto
Oil on canvas by William H. Powell, 1853. Located in the Rotunda.
The painting depicts the arrival of Hernando De Soto and his men at the Mississippi River in 1541.
The Landing of Columbus
Oil on canvas by John Vanderlyn, 1846. Located in the Rotunda.
The painting depicts the landing on San Salvador Island by Columbus. Accompanying Columbus are Martín and Vincente Pinzón, Rodrigo de Escobedo, Rodrigo Sánchez de Segovia, Alonzo Ojeda, and other members of his crew.
The Recall of Columbus
Oil on canvas by Augustus Heaton, 1882. Located in the Senate Wing, third floor, east corridor.
The painting depicts Columbus on a bridge between Sante Fe and Grenada receiving the news that Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand will support his voyage of exploration.
Settlement of California, Bay of Monterey
Oil on canvas by Albert Bierstadt, 1878. Located in the Members' Private Staircase, House wing, west side.
The painting depicts a mass offered by Father Junipero Serra in 1770 to celebrate the founding of the missions of San Carlos in Monterey, San Diego, and San Antonio.
Battle of Chapultepec
Oil on canvas by James Walker, 1862. Part of the United States Senate Collection; on loan to Marine Corps Historical Center.
The painting depicts the storming of the fortress at Chapultepec by forces led by General Winfield Scott during the Mexican-American War.
E. (Kika) DeLa Garza
Oil on canvas by Jena Rawley-Whitaker. Located in Room 1301 Longworth House Office Building.
Representative DeLa Garza represented the 15th Congressional District of Texas in the House of Representatives from 1965 to 1996. He was chairman of the House Agriculture Committee from 1981 to 1994.
Henry B. González
Oil on canvas by Jesse Trevino. Located in Room 2129 Rayburn House Office Building.
Representative González represented the 20th Congressional District of Texas in the House of Representatives from 1961 until 1999. He was chairman of the House Banking and Financial Services Committee from 1989 to 1994.
Bartolomé de Las Casas, the Apostle of the Indians
Oil on plaster by Constantino Brumidi, 1876. Lunette above door to S-134, Brumidi Corridor, Senate wing, first floor west.
Landing of Columbus by Constantino Brumidi, 1878–1880
Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Temple by Constantino Brumidi, 1878–1880
Pizarro Going to Peru by Constantino Brumidi, 1878–1880
Burial of De Soto by Constantino Brumidi, 1878–1880
American Army Entering the City of Mexico by Filippo Costaggini, 1880–1889
Naval Gun Crew in the Spanish-American War by Allyn Cox, 1953
Frescoes. Located in the Rotunda Frieze
Spanish Mission
Oil on canvas by Evergreene Painting Studios, 1993. Located in Westward Expansion Corridor, House wing, first floor west.
Dennis Chavez
Bronze by Felix de Weldon, 1966. Located in Old Senate Chamber Vestibule, 2nd floor.
Congressman Dennis Chavez, of New Mexico, served as a member of the House of Representatives from 1931 to 1935 and as U.S. Senator from 1935 to 1962. One of two statues representing the state of New Mexico in the National Statuary Hall Collection.
Father Junipero Serra
Bronze by Ettore Cadorin, 1930. Located in National Statuary Hall.
Father Junipero Serra was a Spanish missionary and founder of nine California missions between 1769 and 1874. One of two statues representing the state of California in the National Statuary Hall Collection.
Sculpture--Relief Plaque
Alphonso X
Marble by Gaetano Cecere, 1949. Located in House Chamber, west ceiling. (Plaster model for the relief can be found in the Rayburn Building subway terminal).
Alphonso X was King of Castile and Léon. He was the author of the Fuero Real, a compilation of local legislation for general use, and originator of the code Las Siete Partidas, used as a basis for Spanish jurisprudence.
Sculpture--Bronze Doors
Columbus Doors
Designed and modeled by Randolph Rogers in 1858; bronze cast in 1861, installed in 1863. Located in the East Central Entrance.

Marisol Escobar (1930– )
Statue of Father Damien
National Statuary Hall Collection (Hawaii)
House Connecting Corridor, first floor

Henrique Medina (no dates)
Portrait of Charles L. McNary (Senate Minority Leader, 1933–1944)
Republican Leader’s Suite

Francisco Pausas (1877–1940)
Portrait of Thomas U. Walter
Office of the Architect of the Capitol

Jesse Trevino (1946– )
Portrait of Henry Gonzales
House Committee on Banking and Financial Services


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