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Congressman Frank Pallone's Blog

What Real Change in Washington Means
Next week change is finally coming to Washington.  Over the last two years, the American people have heard a lot about change, but what exactly will that change be and what will it mean to our constituents? Read full entry.


Working in Bipartisan Fashion to Begin Fixing our Economy
Today the House must act decisively and in bipartisan fashion to begin the process of rescuing an economy that has been spiraling downward for some time.    Read full entry.


Democrats Work to Help Main Street Recover From Economic Downturn
This week the crisis on Wall Street hit fever pitch, but families all over the country have been struggling for months.  84,000 Americans lost their jobs last month and the number of unemployed Americans is the highest it has been since 1992.  Read full entry.


McCain and His Political Show in Washington
Last week Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the stock market fell 500 points.  Senator McCain's response---he declared that the fundamentals of the economy were strong.  Read full entry.


Big Oil Continues to Announce Record Profits While Consumers Suffer at the Pump
As consumers' struggle to pay record prices at the pump, Big Oil is set once again to report another quarter of record profits. Read full entry.


Democrats Continue Efforts to Lower Prices at the Pump
While Americans suffer pain at the pump, Republicans and President Bush insist on the same old energy policies that put us on this dangerous path to record high gas prices. Read full entry.


Big Oil Does Not Need More Land to Lease; They Should Use it or Lose it
The American people are looking for real energy solutions that will bring down prices at the pump.  Unfortunately, all they are getting from Washington Republicans are more of the same old policies that are actually responsible for the high gas prices in the first place.  Read full entry.


Bush Joins the Likes of Hoover in Presiding Over Faltering Economy
For seven years Americans have endured the failed economic policies of President Bush---policies that have favored the wealthiest few and the big corporations at the expense of the middle class and those aspiring to reach the middle class. Read full entry.


Republican Leaders Oppose our Efforts to Lower Record High Gas Prices at the Pump
           Yesterday gas prices hit an average of $4-dollars-and-four-cents a gallon, a new historic high.  Read full entry.


House Democrats Help Americans Who Have Been Hurt During Economic Recession
         The economic recession has been particularly hard on lower and middle income families, but over the last month this House has passed important legislation that will make a real difference in their lives.  Read full entry.


Job Losses Continue in April, Democrats Continue to Work to Stimulate the Economy
         As the first quarter of 2008 ended last week, it was clear that things are not getting any better for American families struggling to make ends meet. Americans continue to face higher costs for basic necessities, millions of families have lost their homes due to the troubled real estate market and 7 million more Americans are uninsured. Read full entry.


Middle Class Families Hurt by Bush Economic Policies
With bleak news about the economy continuing to mount, it is no surprise that 25 percent of Americans say their economic situation has not improved in the last five years and 31 percent say they have fallen backward.  These represent the highest numbers for the Pew Research Center survey since the question was first asked in 1964. Read full entry.


Bush Administration's Answer to Credit Crisis is too Little, too Late
          Last Friday President Bush traveled to New Jersey to encourage residents to seek free credit counseling if they face the threat of losing their homes.  While the credit counseling is good advice, the president's actions are simply too little, too late. Read full entry.


Washington Republicans are Still Playing Political Games with our National Security
The White House and Congressional Republicans continue to play games with our nation's national security.  Rather than working with us to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Republicans insist that this House simply rubberstamp a bill that passed the Senate earlier this year.  Read full entry.


President and Republicans are Playing Politics with National Security
            President Bush and Congressional Republicans are playing politics with our national security. Read full entry.


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