Congressman Steve Buyer - Working for Indiana - News Release

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  For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 8, 2009

Washington, D.C.—As President-elect Obama prepares an economic stimulus bill to address the current challenges facing the American people, Indiana Congressman Steve Buyer believes there is an opportunity to strengthen our country’s energy portfolio and bolster the American energy industry.  Congressman Steve Buyer today sent a letter to President-elect Obama asking him to include funding in the stimulus to invest in American-made energy and America’s energy infrastructure. 

“America must take steps to prepare for peak oil—when the world’s supply of crude oil peaks in volume, invest in American-made energy, and improve our energy infrastructure.  I communicated these concerns to President-elect Obama in my second letter to him outlining proposals to the economic stimulus package,” said Buyer.  “In prioritizing our country’s need for a secure and domestic energy supply, we will stimulate the economy of today while ensuring the prosperity of tomorrow.”

Congressman Buyer advocated for a more diverse energy portfolio with special emphasis on American-made energy when he introduced his Main Street USA Energy Security Act during the previous Congress.  This comprehensive energy legislation focused on investing in American-made energy for our economic and national security, and was the basis for the Congressman’s letter, which continues his efforts calling to balance the nation’s energy portfolio.

“Today, America is 63 percent dependent on foreign sources of energy, and we grow more dependent by the year.  We need to bridge ourselves to the renewable and alternative energy future in which we all want to live in,” commented Buyer.

Congressman Buyer supports funds in the Economic Stimulus Package to bolster the economy through the development of American-made energy.  America becoming more prominent in the energy business will create domestic jobs - not in foreign countries.  By investing in biofuels, the economic stimulus can simultaneously diversify our energy supply while supporting the American farmer. 

 “As a nation we need to secure our energy supply as well as secure American jobs.  When we import energy, we export jobs.  As a result of our dependence on foreign energy sources, we have lost around three million manufacturing jobs since 2000, this is not acceptable,” added Buyer.

He believes as the U.S.’s energy needs grow, so must our infrastructure.  Investing in the nation’s energy infrastructure will create jobs, while also making a lasting impact by modernizing our nation’s energy support network. 

“Developing our infrastructure will allow the resources of the United States to be put to more effective use,” said Buyer.

Congressman Buyer strongly urged President-elect Obama to include funding for 3-D seismic mapping of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) so that the American people and lawmakers may finally know our oil reserves.  The Department of Interior will be able to charge oil companies more for leasing privileges with the detailed information regarding the domestic oil reserves.

“At a time of lower national revenue, these leases would provide a stream of income for the U.S. Treasury that is not funded by taxpayers,” commented Buyer. “Oil companies paying the American people for oil produced for American people, leasing areas within the OCS for environmentally responsible oil production is a win-win.”

Congressman Buyer’s first letter to President-elect Obama asked him to not forget about veterans when formulating the economic stimulus package.  Buyer specifically asked to include over $2 billion for initiatives to assist veterans.

The letter Congressman Buyer sent to President-elect Obama is attached to this release.

Buyer's letter to Obama
