Congressman Steve Buyer - Working for Indiana - News Release

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  For Immediate Release:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Congressman Buyer Applauds Economic Development Grant for Flood-affected Areas


Washington, D.C.—Congressman Buyer (IN-04) learned today that the United States Department of Commerce has awarded a $400,000 economic development grant for flood-affected areas in the state of Indiana.  The purpose of this grant is to “help the State of Indiana develop a long-term economic redevelopment strategy that will lead efforts to recovery after recent Midwest disasters.  The recovery strategy will focus on damage assessment and speeding economic recovery efforts to the 41 Presidentially-Declared Disaster counties.” 

“I am very pleased to hear that the Department of Commerce has awarded this grant to help the people affected by the flooding that took place in Indiana this past June.”  Buyer remarked. “Helping to promote economic development in these areas is critical to maintaining Indiana’s economy and helping the residents move on from this disaster.  Creating stability is an important part of rebuilding and this grant will help start the process.  I applaud the Department of Commerce for their part in making this happen.” 

This $400,000 grant will be dispersed by the State of Indiana and will be divided among the 41 affected counties, including those in the 4th Congressional District.
