Ted Kaufman - United States Senator for Delaware

Delaware deserves its fair share in recovery effort



January 22, 2009

Delawareans, and all Americans, now face the most serious economic challenge in generations -- and it is a painful and anxious one affecting our families, our neighbors and our friends. In the 36 years I worked with Sen. Joe Biden in the Senate or as an adviser, I have never seen worse economic times. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, many in Delaware, have lost their jobs, their homes, and sometimes both. Retirement and college savings have been decimated and thousands of businesses closed.

In the midst of this crisis, I have been granted the tremendous privilege to serve the people of Delaware as their U.S. senator. There is no greater priority for me than working to restore our economy. People are hurting and worried about the future. I am convinced, however, if we do the right things, we can restore economic well-being in America.

Because there has been a sweeping, simultaneous collapse of the credit markets, stock markets, housing prices, jobs, and economic morale, economists conservative and liberal say only substantial government investment can turn our economy around. The government-led response simply must be large enough to create millions of jobs. Doing too little puts the entire recovery at risk.

Every American worker is also a consumer. If people are out of work, they lose their incomes, in too many cases their healthcare, and too often their self-respect. This has to stop. Therefore, this proposal must convince businesses to invest and to hire now, and encourage consumers to spend and to be confident again, in anticipation of better times.

Next, for this proposal to jolt the economy back to life, the money must be spent soon. Too often in the past, economic stimulus money has been left sitting on the shelf unspent long after the crisis has passed, whether from bureaucratic red-tape or poor planning. This time, we must be sure that the money will be spent wisely but quickly.

In addition, we should invest in forward-looking technologies, like greater broadband access in schools and rural areas, smart-grids for electricity, alternative energy sources, and healthcare information technology that can save millions of dollars by streamlining records and payments. Moreover, we have to invest in "shovel-ready" projects to build or repair bridges, roads, and schools. These are the projects that will pay dividends quickly, as well as pay off for decades to come.

I am committed to Delaware getting its fair share. I am already working with our congressional delegation, Governor-elect Jack Markell, and other state and local officials to bring economic recovery to Delaware. Our state is ideal for economic investment and is the home of innovative businesses and technologies. In particular, Delaware can help lead the way in green technologies and green jobs, as we adapt our economy to alternative energy sources and address environmental concerns. The Bluewater Wind farm is a prime example.

On a project this large, transparency, accountability, and oversight are critical. They are essential to any economic recovery package. Sunshine is the best disinfectant, so each component has to be visible to the public and the Congress. In addition, we need to guarantee independent oversight and audits.

I have been given a unique opportunity to represent the people of Delaware at a crucial moment in our nation's history. As I take office along with our new president, vice president, and the other members of Congress from both parties, I am committed to a recovery plan that is smart, well-targeted, and spent effectively to position Delaware and America for a bright economic future.

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