Johnny Isakson, United States Senator from Georgia Georgia photos

United States Senate
120 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-3643
Fax: (202) 228-0724

One Overton Park, Suite 970
3625 Cumberland Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30339
Tel: (770) 661-0999
Fax: (770) 661-0768

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Johnny Isakson's Position Statement on the Second Amendment

I support the Second Amendment right of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families. I firmly believe that we do not need more gun control in America; rather we need more criminal control. To that end, I support instant background checks on the purchase of all guns to prevent convicted felons from obtaining them, but I do not support waiting periods or the registration of any firearm. As many of these issues reemerge in the 110 th Congress, I will work for common-sense legislation that keeps our children safe without infringing upon our Second Amendment rights.

It is an abuse of the legal system and unreasonable burden on interstate and foreign commerce to hold firearm manufacturers and sellers liable for the actions of these criminals. As a result, I supported the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which was signed into law by President Bush on October 26, 2005. It places more strict regulations on these lawsuits in order to put an end to politically-motivated lawsuits against the firearms industry.

In the Georgia Senate, I co-sponsored the bill to get Georgia out from under the federal Brady law. As a member of the U.S. Senate, I have co-sponsored S.1001, which would repeal the District of Columbia gun ban and restore to District residents the Constitutionally guaranteed right to protect themselves. In the 109th Congress, I was supportive of legislation to prevent law enforcement officials from confiscating guns during a national emergency.

Tragic events such as the killings at Virginia Tech cause some to call for stricter gun laws or even a repeal of the Second Amendment. I support responsible gun laws and I support the Second Amendment. Restrictions alone cannot stop a premeditated act such as the one committed by Cho Seung-Hui at Virginia Tech. In this particular case, a combination of security procedures, rapid response and notification could have reduced the loss of life. Better mental health intervention and awareness might have saved everyone from this horrible tragedy. It is important for all of us engaged in public policy to evaluate all of these areas and improve both laws and policies.


Washington: United States Senate, 120 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Tel: (202) 224-3643 Fax: (202) 228-0724
Atlanta: One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 970, Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel: (770) 661-0999 Fax: (770) 661-0768