For Immediate Release: October 18, 2007

Override of President’s Health Care Veto Blocked by Republican Minority

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Betty Sutton today joined a majority of Members of Congress in attempting to override President Bush's veto of the popular and successful States Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). 

"Despite overwhelming support among Members of Congress, the nation's governors, the American people, and even the insurance industry, some of my colleagues have decided to put their misguided partisan obligations above the needs of children and working families," Sutton said.  "We in Congress have a responsibility to the people who sent us to Washington.  But, because of the misguided opposition of the President and a minority in Congress, thousands of Ohio children and families who need SCHIP have been left out in the cold.  I hope that Congress will continue working to help children get the health care they need, and I hope that my colleagues who voted against providing that health care to children of working families will quickly realize where their loyalties and their priorities should lie."

The bill providing access to health care for 10 million children of working families was vetoed by President Bush on October 3.  Over 122,000 Ohio children would have been eligible for the 10-year-old SCHIP program under the renewal worked out in the House and the Senate.

Contact: Zach Ragbourn at 202-225-3401