For Immediate Release: June 29, 2007

Statement from Congresswoman Betty Sutton Regarding the Democratic Leadership's Announcement on Trade

"It is welcome news that Democratic Leadership has stated its opposition to the Colombia and Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). It is also very important that Leadership is committed to letting fast track authority expire and is signaling that Congress is serious about reclaiming its Constitutional authority over trade. This is the type of change of direction in trade policy that I and other advocates have long been fighting for and which voters called for in the November elections. I wholeheartedly support the Democratic Leadership's expressed commitment to fixing our broken trade policy, however I remain concerned about passing the Peru and Panama FTAs in light of the Bush Administration's complete failure to enforce labor and environmental standards in our current trade agreements. As we move forward, I will continue to work with Democratic Leadership and my colleagues to develop a trade policy which will be fair, enforced and will allow our workers, businesses, farmers and communities to thrive."

Contact: Ian Mandel at 202-225-3401