For Immediate Release: January 17, 2007

Freshman House Members Seek New Approach on Trade

39 Members of Democratic Freshman Class Request Ongoing Opportunities for Involvement in Trade Policy-Making

Acknowledging that campaigning for changes in U.S. trade policies contributed to the new Democratic majority, new Members of Congress sent a letter today to Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel seeking ways they may be involved in trade policy-making.

The letter, signed today by 39 freshmen members, arrives on the eve of Chairman of Ways and Means Committee Rangel's meeting with U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab.

"Vital to our electoral successes was our ability to take a vocal stand against the Administration's misguided trade agenda, and offer our voters real, meaningful alternatives to the job-killing agreements, such as CAFTA, that the majority of our opponents supported" the letter states.

Misguided U.S. trade policies have caused the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs. The Economic Policy Institute pegs more than one million new manufacturing jobs lost directly by NAFTA trade and the U.S. trade deficit is approaching $800 billion.

"It is very important that we not only reverse the troubling results of the Administration's trade agreements and trade policies, but also that we are able to deliver on the promise we made to our constituents to move our nation in a new and improved direction on trade," the letter continues.

"The result of the recent elections show that voters support trade policies that allow American employers and employees to compete on an even playing field," said Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH-13). "We can and must enact trade policies that encourage investment in our communities and that support our local businesses, workers and their families."

"During the campaign, we promised our constituents that we'd be a voice for sensible trade policies," said Congressman Paul Hodes (NH-02). "We want to make clear that new trade agreements must take local communities' needs into account, as well as fair labor and environmental protection standards."

The letter is attached.

Contact: Linden Zakula at 202-225-3401 or