Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Isakson Travels to U.S.-Mexico Border with Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff
Helps Weld Section of New Double Barrier Fence Being Built Along Arizona Border

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today traveled with Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona, where Isakson helped to weld a section of the double barrier fence being constructed there and witnessed firsthand how the new fence, the increase in ground control radar and the increase in border agents are helping to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Isakson, Chertoff and six other members of Congress traveled to the Arizona portion of the Yuma Sector of the U.S.-Mexico border. The Yuma Sector patrols 118 miles of border with Mexico, between the Yuma-Pima County line in Arizona and the Imperial Sand Dunes in California. As a result of the construction of 80 miles of double-barrier fencing, the installation of ground control radar and the doubling of border patrol agents from 400 to more than 800, the number of people trying to enter the United States illegally in the Yuma Sector has dropped dramatically in the past couple of years, from about 118,000 arrests down to 15,000 arrests.

“This visit proves to me that a combination of aerial surveillance, ground radar, physical barriers where appropriate and the right kind of border patrol force will dramatically reduce and ultimately end illegal immigration,” Isakson said.

During the visit, the delegation viewed existing infrastructure as well as new fencing construction authorized through last year’s Secure Fence Act. The area is a primary focus for the Department of Homeland Security’s Secure Border Initiative, a multi-year plan to secure America’s borders and reduce illegal immigration.

The delegation toured the Arizona-Mexico border on-the-ground and via helicopter. They also were briefed on border activity by officials from U.S Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

In January, Isakson introduced legislation to require that the first step of comprehensive immigration reform be to secure the U.S. borders. His legislation also spells out in detail the increased manpower, equipment and technology necessary to stop the flood of illegal immigrants into our country.

“There is no way you can reform legal immigration unless you first stop the porous borders and the flow of illegal immigrants, and this trip today has convinced me of that more than ever,” Isakson said. “I believe my bill is the bridge from where we are to where we must go. I stand ready to work with any senator on comprehensive immigration reform as long as securing the borders is the foundation of that reform.”




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