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Academy Nominations
As a member of Congress, it is one of my most rewarding opportunities to nominate young men and women of the Fifth Congressional District for appointment to our nation's fine service academies.

There are five United States service academies that provide young men and women the opportunity to receive a college education at premier institutions, while preparing them for an officer's commission in the armed forces. The Air Force Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, Military Academy and Naval Academy all require nomination for an authorized nominating source. The Coast Guard Academy is the only U.S. service academy that offers appointments without a nomination.

Minimum Qualifications for a Nomination

  • At least 17 but not yet 23 years old by July 1st of the year to be admitted to the Academy. No older than 25 to enter the Merchant Marine Academy.
  • A U.S. citizen and legal resident of Arizona's Fifth Congressional District.
  • Unmarried, not pregnant, and without legal obligation for the support of a dependant.
  • Minimum SAT or ACT scores are determined by the Military Academy to which you have applied.

Applicants to the U.S. service academies who apply for a nomination through my office are ranked according to their academic and personal achievements. I have established the Fifth District Service Academy Selection Committee to interview applicants at the beginning of November 2008 in order to select nominees for each vacancy at the academies. Upon completion of their nomination packets, applicants will be sent a letter notifying them of the time and location of the interview.

If you are interested in applying for a nomination, please write to my District office or send an email to:

Applicants should provide their full name, address, telephone number, date of birth and year of graduation. The application process must be completed one year prior to the start of the next academic year. Applicants who wish to receive a nomination for the class entering in 2009 must submit all requirements to my District office no later than October 27, 2008.

Congressman Harry Mitchell
Attn: Academy Nominations
7201 E. Camelback Rd. #335
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Phone: 480-946-2411
Fax: 480-946-2446

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tiffany Roose in my District Office, at (480) 946-2411 or via email at