Mitch McConnell, Republican Leader - United States Senator for Kentucky











Fixing our economy requires innovative ideas, commonsense solutions, cooperation
from the Office of Senator Mitch McConnell

Thursday, January 29, 2009

‘Republicans will offer amendments to improve this critical legislation, and move it back to the package President Obama originally proposed – 40 percent tax relief, no wasteful spending, and a bipartisan approach’

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Thursday regarding the SCHIP legislation and previewed trillion-dollar spending bill debate that will begin next week:

“Republicans have had an opportunity this week to highlight many of our better ideas related to ensuring low-income children receive quality health care.

“We’ll continue to offer our plans to improve this program, and possibly finish up the SCHIP bill today, which lets us turn to the economy next week.

“The economy is clearly the top issue on the minds of all Americans. I think we all agree that we need to act to strengthen our economy and create jobs.

“The bill produced by the Democratic Congress falls short on a number of important fronts.

“First, it doesn’t fix the main problem, which is housing.

“We need to address that, and my colleagues will have better ideas to stimulate homeownership.

“Next, we need to let taxpayers keep more of what they earn.

“And, finally, we should not be spending taxpayer dollars we don’t have on programs we don’t need.

“We’ve seen a lot of reports recently on what’s in the bill – everything from buying cars for federal employees to beautifying ATV trails to spiffing up the headquarters building at the Department of Commerce.

“In a time of a trillion-dollar deficit we cannot afford Washington business as usual. We must insist on the highest standards. Are these projects necessary? Will they stimulate the economy? Will they create jobs? Should we ask the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

“Republicans believe that letting individuals and businesses keep more of what they earn will have a quicker stimulative effect than having the government spend it on projects, particularly ones that are likely to be delayed for three to four years.

“We look forward to offering amendments to improve this critical legislation, and move it back to the package President Obama originally proposed – 40 percent tax relief, no wasteful spending, and a bipartisan approach.

“Republicans have better ideas to dramatically improve this bill that will go at the problem, create jobs, and stimulate the economy.

“We have better ideas to address the housing crisis, which is where this problem originated.

“But in order to pass these, and other commonsense amendments, we need support from our friends across the aisle.

“Fixing our economy requires innovative ideas, commonsense solutions and bipartisan cooperation.

“It’s clear from last night’s vote in the House, that the only thing bipartisan about this bill is the opposition to it. It simply doesn’t meet the standard for bipartisan cooperation set by President Obama and welcomed by Republicans in Congress.

“Republicans stand ready to work with our friends across the aisle to create bipartisan legislation which will actually stimulate the economy and create jobs.

“We’re ready to start now.”


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