United States Senator Herb Kohl : Wisconsin

Contact Senator Kohl

  • Aquatic Resources Trust Fund Reauthorization and Expansion - S.421 and S.422
    A bill to restructure the Aquatic Resources Trust Fund, which distributes federal funds to states for boating and fishing programs, and a bill to recover approximately $110 million per year of excise taxes currently being paid by anglers and boaters. Press Release

  • Antitrust Investigative Improvements Act - S.443
    A bill that would give the Department of Justice a much-needed tool to investigate and prosecute criminal antitrust conspiracies. The legislation protects consumers from conspiracies like price-fixing and bid-rigging which drive up prices and stifle competition. Press Release

  • SSI Extension for Disabled and Elderly Refugees Act - S.453
    Legislation to extend the deadline for U.S. citizenship requirement for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - a basic monthly income for the elderly, blind or disabled - from seven to nine years for legal humanitarian immigrants who are not U.S. citizens. The bill also includes a provision to restore benefits to those legal immigrants who have recently lost their benefits because of the seven-year limit. Press Release

  • Pharmaceutical Market Access and Drug Safety Act - S.334
    A bill to legalize the safe reimportation of prescription drugs from countries like Canada, Japan, and the members of the European Union. Press Release

  • Child Support Distribution Act - S.321
    A bill that would improve the collection and distribution of child support funds throughout the nation. Press Release

  • Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Reauthorization - S.296
    Legislation to reauthorize funding for the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program (MEP). The program is a nationwide network of centers that helps small- and medium-sized manufacturers succeed in the global economy by producing advanced products using cutting edge technology and processes. Press Release

  • Milk Income Loss Contract Extension bill - S.273
    A bill that would extend the MILC program, a countercyclical program that serves as a safety net to dairy farmers when milk prices plummet, for two years to coincide with the duration of other Farm Bill programs. The program provided $414 million to Wisconsin dairy farmers when milk prices dropped to record lows over the past three years. Press Release

  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge bill - S.261
    A bill to designate a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.

  • Stream Habitat Improvement Program bill - S.218
    This bill would create a new, voluntary Natural Resources Conservation Service program in the USDA that would focus on creating incentives to protect streamside areas, repair instream habitat, improve water flows and water quality, or initiate watershed management and planning in areas where streams are in a degraded condition due to past agricultural and forestry practices.

  • Family Opportunity Act - S.183
    A bill to allow families with disabled children the opportunity to buy in to the Medicaid program.

  • Rural Development Tax bill - S.157
    A bill to help rural communities build or improve essential community facilities, such as shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, medical clinics, and fire and rescue projects. The bill would make it possible for project sponsors to accept certain USDA loan guarantees without risking the tax exempt status that enables them to finance these initiatives.

  • Weekend Voting Act - S.144
    A bill that would move federal elections to the first weekend in November and open polling places for uniform hours over the two days. Press Release

  • Mortgage Insurance Fairness Act - S. 132
    The bill would allow more than 12 million homeowners to deduct their private mortgage insurance payments. An estimated 5.5 million homeowners pay PMI premiums, and more than 7 million pay FHA premiums as part of their monthly mortgage bills.

  • Combat Meth Act - S.103
    A bill to respond to the illegal production, distribution, and use of methamphetamine in the United States.

  • Fiscal Responsibility for a Sound Future Act -- S. 19
    This legislation helps to restore budget discipline and fiscal responsibility to the country's finances. Press Release

  • Fulfilling Our Duty to America's Veterans Act - S. 13
    A bill that would ensure that all veterans get the health care they deserve while also expanding the availability and accessibility of mental health care. Press Release

  • Standing With Our Troops Act -- S. 11
    A bill that recognizes the sacrifices our troops make by providing them the personnel, equipment, compensation, and benefits they need to them accomplish their mission. Press Release

  • Class Action Fairness Act - S. 5
    A bill to stop unfair and abusive class action settlements that ignore the best interests of injured plaintiffs, and to help people understand their rights in class action lawsuits and protect them from unfair settlements. Press Release