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National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

Evaluation Reports
NCEE evaluates the impact of programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education using methodologically rigorous designs applied to large samples of students and schools.
What Works Clearinghouse Reports
The What Works Clearinghouse promotes informed education decision making though a database of interventions linked to WWC reviews of evidence, and a variety of user-friendly, high quality reports that include:
Regional Educational Laboratory Reports
REL reports include two ongoing web-based series—Issues & Answers and REL Technical Briefs. The overall intent for both series of reports is to provide educators and policymakers with credible scientifically based research on a regular basis. All Issues & Answers and REL Technical Briefs are required to undergo external peer review to ensure that these reports meet the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) standards for scientifically valid research before being published online.
Technical Methods Reports
NCEE publishes commissioned, peer-reviewed papers, called Technical Methods Reports that result from special investigations undertaken by evaluation experts associated with NCEE studies, guided by the NCEE Methods Working Group. The reports are designed for use by research and evaluation specialists, address current methodological questions, and provide guidance or answers to help in resolving or advancing challenges to evaluation methods.
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Washington, DC 20208, USA
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