FLICC FLICC IT Assessment - Brief Record
Research Library


Name: Research Library Address: Admin E-106 City: Gaithersburg State: MD Zip: 20899 Phone: 301-975-3052 Fax: 301-869-8071 Email: reflib@nist.gov Website: nvl.nist.gov

Library Profile

Gov Branch: Executive Branch Structure: Research/technical Subject: Engineering and science

Customers: 10,000 or more Total served: 10,000 or more Served remotely: 0

Titles Volumes Books: 25,000-49,999 0 Serials: 1-4,999 50,000-499,999 GovDocs, Rpts: 1-4,999 1-4,999 Audio-visual: 1-4,999 1-4,999 Special fmts: 0 0 Other: 0 0

Library Automation Profile

ILS: Ameritech Library Services - Dynix PCs: Windows NT CD-ROM: Standalone player LAN server LAN: ATM Internet Access: Other

View the Library's complete IT Assessment