
H i g h l i g h t s

الموقع العربي

Eastern Mediterranean Region
Observatory on Human Resources for Health

Arabization of Health Sciences Network

AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

AIDS Information Exchange Centre

Centre for Environmental Health Activities

Child and Adolescent Health and Development

Community-Based Initiatives

E-Health in the Region

E-Health Code of Ethics

Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME)

Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies

Health System Observatory

Emergency and Humanitarian Action

Gender in Health and Development

Making Pregnancy Safer

Management Effectiveness Initiatives


Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Non Communicable Diseases


Polio Eradication Initiative

Polio Fax Weekly Bulletin

Roll Back Malaria

Reproductive Health Research Network 

Research Policy and Cooperation

Stop Tuberculosis

Tropical Diseases and Research

Tobacco Free Initiative

Vector Biology and Control

Violence, Injuries and Disability

Country profiles

Information about countries of the Region including different health indicators

Also see WHO Country Office web sites in

WHO embarks on implementing its Gaza Emergency Operational Plan
13 January 2009

© IRIN/Wissam Nassar.

As Israel’s military operation in Gaza enters its third week, the civilian population is bearing the brunt of the violence with more than 880 people killed, over 4000 injured and more than 28 116 displaced persons with limited support services.  Health services are exhausted, movements highly restricted, electricity is very limited and difficulty are faced for the evacuation of the most critically wounded to say a few. To respond to the situation, WHO is implementing its emergency operational plan which aims to address all critical health concerns to reduce preventable mortality and morbidity caused by the widening conflict.

Read the full WHO Emergency Operational Plan | More

WHO reaffirms commitment to Afghanistan
13 January 2009

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Director Dr Hussein A. Gezairy, and Health Minister Dr. S.M. Amin Fatimie launched the country wide polio vaccination campaign targeting 7.7 million children in Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. The campaign was conducted on 11-13 January 2009.  

Dr Gezairy emphasized that WHO and its partners are committed to eradicate polio from Afghanistan.  
President Karzai and Dr Gezairy together honored the families of polio medical officers, Dr Shamsul Haq Kakar and Dr Mamoon Tahiri, who were killed in a suicide attack last year in Spin Boldak. The families of the victims received financial support from WHO.  

In his visit to Afghanistan, the Regional Director looked into the situation of health facilities in Kabul and held meetings with top UN and health officials. In his meetings with Afghanistan’s health officials, Dr Gezairy assured WHO’s continuing commitment to improve the Afghanistan’s health system and respond to Afghans’ health needs through the Ministry of Public Health.  

New human case of avian influenza
Case number 52
12 January 2009

The Ministry of Health and Population (MOH), Egypt, reported a new confirmed human case of avian influenza on 12 January 2009.
The case is a 21 months old female from 6th October Governorate, Kerdasa District. The symptoms started on January 9. The patient was admitted to Imbaba Fever Hospital on the 10th with fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea and rapid respiration. The case was immediately suspected as avian influenza and given medical treatment, Tamiflu, 40 hours after the onset of symptoms.
Investigations showed very close contact with sick and dead poultry since one week. Currently, the patient is in a good health condition.
This brings up the total number of confirmed human cases of avian influenza in Egypt to 52 with 23 deaths.

The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean announces the 17th call for application of the EMRO/TDR Small Grants Scheme for operational research in tropical and other communicable diseases

The deadline for application is 28 February 2009.

Download the call and proposal form
(Word, 314 kb)
Budget template
(Excel, 90 kb)




The Regional Office structure, collaborating centres, representatives, partners, employment



Regional Director

Biography, annual reports, messages.

Latest Regional Director's Report 2007
English | French


Press releases

International Law to combat the tobacco epidemic: People and health over trade and profit 

EMRO press releases site

Information services

Unified Medical Dictionary

---- Recent publication ----

Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Volume 14 No. 6 November-December, 2008



Directory of Health and Medical Conferences and Professional Meetings in the Region

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World Health Organization
Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
Abdul Razzak Al Sanhouri Street,
P.O. Box 7608,
Nasr City, Cairo 11371,  Egypt
(202) 22765000 - Facsimile: (202) 2670 24 92 or 2670 24 94