Internet safety for kids
Internet safety tips
Child Internet safety, Internet safety curriculum
About / Parents

Protecting Your Children

All children, even those who seem wise beyond their years in matters of technology, rely on their parents to guide and protect them in matters of Internet safety (even if they do not admit it). Web Wise Kids understands how challenging it can be for a parent to keep informed about online dangers and their teen’s online activities. We strive to give you tools to help you have positive, productive conversations with your children about things that could harm them. Talking with your children about web safety may not always be easy, but it is always worth it.

Wired With WisdomToday's culture bombards families with new parenting challenges in the field of technology. Making even basic decisions about the family’s computer and Internet usage can be quite a hurdle for parents whose kids are often more Internet-savvy than they are.

To assist parents to protect themselves and their children online, Web Wise Kids has developed a one-of-a-kind Internet safety education program for busy adults called Wired With Wisdom®.

Wired With Wisdom® has been specifically designed to be a user-friendly solution for parents. In addition, police officers and other professionals have recognized the value of the program and have utilized it to obtain valuable vocational safety training.

Wired With Wisdom® is available online or as a download and features five learning components, each of which can be completed in only 20 minutes. The issues addressed include:

  • Social Networking
  • Personal Websites
  • The World Wide Web
  • Chatrooms
  • Instant Messaging
  • E-Mail
  • Cell phone dangers
  • Emerging technology