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Found 401 studies with search of:   "Epilepsy"
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1 Active, not recruiting Childhood Absence Epilepsy Rx PK-PD-Pharmacogenetics Study
Conditions: Childhood Absence Epilepsy;   Petit Mal Epilepsy;   Epilepsy;   Seizures
Interventions: Drug: ethosuximide;   Drug: lamotrigine;   Drug: valproic acid
2 Completed A Study on Safety and Efficacy of Two Doses of Topiramate as Monotherapy in the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Epilepsy
Conditions: Epilepsies, Partial;   Epilepsy, Generalized;   Seizures;   Epilepsy, Tonic-Clonic;   Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
3 Completed A Study to Evaluate the Dosing, Effectiveness and Safety of Topiramate for the Treatment of Epilepsy
Conditions: Seizures, Tonic-Clonic;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Epilepsy, Generalized;   Epilepsy;   Seizures
Intervention: Drug: Topiramate
4 Recruiting Language Mapping in Patients With Epilepsy
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe;   Partial Epilepsy
5 Recruiting Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Localization-Related Epilepsy;   Infantile Spasms;   Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
6 Completed Prospective Pilot Study on Metabolism and Weight Changes in Topiramate-Treated Epilepsy Patients
Conditions: Seizures;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Epilepsy;   Epilepsy, Generalized
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
7 Recruiting A Study on the Effectiveness and Safety of Diazepam Injection (Vanquix™) for Patients With Epilepsy That Receive Antiepileptic Drugs, But Still Experience Acute Repetitive Seizures (Bouts or Clusters of Seizures) That Require Treatment
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Epilepsy, Generalized;   Epilepsy, Complex Partial;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Seizures
Interventions: Drug: Diazepam;   Drug: Placebo
8 Completed A Pilot Study of Efficacy and Tolerability of Levetiracetam Monotherapy in Subjects With Childhood Absence Epilepsy
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Childhood Absence Epilepsy;   Seizures
Intervention: Drug: Levetiracetam
9 Recruiting Search for Genes Influencing Childhood Absence Epilepsy Study
Conditions: Childhood Absence Epilepsy;   Epilepsy;   Seizures
10 Active, not recruiting Early Surgical Intervention to Treat Epilepsy
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe;   Seizures
Interventions: Procedure: anteromesial temporal resection;   Drug: antiepileptic drugs
11 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of RWJ-333369 as Add-on Therapy in the Treatment of Partial Onset Seizures.
Conditions: Epilepsy, Focal;   Epilepsy;   Complex Partial Seizures;   Epilepsy, Complex Partial;   Seizure Disorder
Intervention: Drug: RWJ-333369
12 Recruiting A Study of the Effects of JNJ-26489112 on the Photic Induced Paroxysmal Electroencepholgram (EEG) Response in Patients With Photosensitive Epilepsy
Conditions: Reflex Epilepsy, Photosensitive;   Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: JNJ-26489112
13 Completed Metabolic Abnormalities in Children With Epilepsy
Conditions: Generalized Epilepsy;   Infantile Spasms;   Metabolic Disease;   Partial Epilepsy;   Seizures
Intervention: Drug: 18 FDG
14 Recruiting Study Comparing Best Medical Practice With or Without VNS Therapy in Pharmacoresistant Partial Epilepsy Patients
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Partial Epilepsy;   Quality of Life
Intervention: Device: VNS Therapy system
15 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topiramate in the Treatment of Patients With Difficult to Control Epilepsy
Conditions: Epilepsies, Partial;   Seizures;   Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
16 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topiramate in the Treatment of Patients With Epilepsy.
Conditions: Seizures;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
17 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topiramate as Add-on Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy Patients With Difficult to Treat, Partial-Onset Seizures.
Conditions: Epilepsies, Partial;   Seizures;   Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
18 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topiramate as Add-on Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy Patients With Difficult to Treat, Partial-Onset Seizures
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Seizures
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
19 Completed A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topiramate as Add-on Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy Patients With Difficult to Treat, Partial-Onset Seizures.
Conditions: Epilepsy;   Epilepsies, Partial;   Seizures
Intervention: Drug: topiramate
20 Completed Effect of Antiseizure Medication on Hormone Levels and Sexual Function in Men With Epilepsy
Conditions: Seizure Disorder;   Epilepsy

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