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TSC Resources for Environmental Compliance Studies (e.g., NEPA, FWCA, ESA)

The TSC can provide the teams you need for all levels of NEPA compliance--from the Notice of Intent to the Record of Decision. We offer hydrologists, biologists, economists, sociologists, geologists, writers, engineering designs, and more. To put together a team, just contact a client liaison. We have recently worked on the Keechelus, Truckee River Operating Agreement, Animas La Plata, and other Reclamation environmental impact statements. We can provide the comprehensive analyses needed for environmental compliance processes, including Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, and Biological Assessments:

Interdisciplinary Teams, including:

Outreach, including:

We also provide study managers to keep projects effective, on time, and in budget. To save time and money, our study managers help you:



Please contact a client liaison (303) 445-2561 to help you get the most efficient services for your needs.