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The War on Terror has showed us the need to better secure our homeland. America has made great progress, but we still have a long way to go.

The need to secure our borders is one of the many reasons for the debate over immigration policy. As we consider immigration reform, we must balance our nation’s history as a place that for generations has welcomed others with its future security.

We are a nation built by immigrants. However, we are also a country created out of a great respect for the law, and we can no longer turn a blind eye on the fact that there are currently estimated to be 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. These illegal aliens are not just looking for work. Many are criminals and drug dealers. Last year, more than 1.2 million pounds of drugs were seized along the southern boarder, and since 2001, nearly 40 underground tunnels have been discovered. Until we reform our immigration laws, we will continue to be vulnerable to drugs and terrorists freely crossing our borders.

Congressman Murphy does not support blanket amnesty programs, and believe it is unfair to those who follow the law to ignore those who break it. Amnesty explicitly excuses the illegal act of crossing the border outside the legal means and implicitly excuses other related illegal acts, such as driving with a fake license and using fake documents.

Most importantly, our normal immigration process involves screening to block potential criminals and terrorists from entering the United States. Under an amnesty program, millions of illegal aliens who have avoided this screening would be allowed to permanently bypass it. The risk this poses to our security is too great to allow.

Related Documents:

Article - Vote Dispute Clouds Illegal Immigrant Issue (Video Included) 8.3.2007

Press Release - Murphy Backs Border Enforcement Legislation Trifecta 9.21.2006

Press Release - Murphy Supports Move to Secure Nation’s Borders 9.14.2006

Press Release - U.S. Faces Daunting Task in Stopping Illegal Immigration 8.7.2006

Press Release - Murphy Statement on Immigration and Border Security 5.16.2006

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