new jersey department of environmental protection
site remediation program

SRP Logo - Site Remediation Program: Saving - Restoring - Protecting -Information to help the public with cleanups
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Site Remediation Reform Act Web Site Goes Live

The Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) provides sweeping changes to the way in which sites are remediated in New Jersey SRRA, establishes a program for the licensing of Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (“LSRPs”) who will have responsibility for oversight of environmental investigation and cleanup.

More information

Guidance Document Updates

  • Revised NJDEP Low Level Method TO-15 for Air Analysis (LL TO-15)

    Method NJDEP LL TO-15 (and the associated deliverables requirements, NJDEP LL TO 15 Appendix) has been revised.  The revisions have a revision date of March, 2009.  The revised method should promote additional opportunities for laboratories previously unable to meet all the method requirements.  Laboratories wishing to pursue certification are to follow the requirements of the revised method and appendix.  As laboratories are certified, the Department will ultimately require all Method TO-15 analyses to be conducted using the NJDEP low level air analytical method.

  • Replacement of TPH Method 418.1 for the Site Remediation Program

    The guidance document has been edited to clarify the analytical method that is to be used for non - #2 fuel oil (and similar petroleum) products.

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