Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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RD 2035 Fish Screen Diversion Project EA/IS
Reclamation District 2035 proposes to construct a new 400 cfs pump station and flat plate-wedge-wire positive barrier fish screen facility immediately downstream of their existing pump station. It would be located along the Sacramento River just upstream from Interstate 5. It would be funded through a CALFED grant which Reclamation would administer and it is consistent with the CVPIA Anadromous Fish Screen Program.

Draft EA/IS released for review in October 2003. Project was on hold until completion of value engineering study, now completed. FWS completed draft biological opinion on April 10, 2006. NMFS request for more information before they complete biological opinion. Draft EA/IS due summer 2008.

Tamara LaFramboise
Phone: (916) 978-5269

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