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Process Foul

Democrats Blasted for Rules Move to Kill Colombia FTA, Pat Selves on Back

Speaker Nancy Pelosi - “[W]e promised the American people that we would have the most honest and open government and we will.” (Press stakeout, December 6, 2006).

April 15, 2008

As bipartisan outrage over their disastrous move to kill the Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) continues to mount, House Rules Committee Democrats demonstrate just how obtuse they are in today’s Politico.  Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Vice Chair Jim McGovern (D-MA), still seemingly unaware of the real world consequences of their politically-motivated stunt, clamor to take credit today for a move that has been described by newspaper editorials as “corrupt”, “rash”, the “Chavez Rule”“shameful”, and “protectionist electioneering”.  As they praise themselves for what they believe to be some sort of power play, the rest of America is shaking their heads in disbelief that the rules of democracy would be so abused for political purposes.

Last week, by a vote of 224-195, the House Democratic Majority gutted the rules governing consideration of trade agreements by eliminating the statutorily-mandated 90-day timeline and putting off indefinitely consideration of the Colombia FTA.  This move has received widespread criticism, but Democrats are undeterred in their effort to justify their actions.  As Politico reports in “Dems Finally Seize Rules Advantage on Trade,” “McGovern and other Democrats on the Rules Committee began discussing the possibility of stripping the time requirements from trade rules as early as January.”  McGovern is quoted as saying, “The Rules Committee is the traffic cop in the House, and sometimes the traffic cop has to say, ‘Stop.’” 

That’s right, House Democrats, led by the Rules Committee have said STOP! to helping our strongest democratic ally in South America stand up to the anti-democracy dictator Hugo Chavez.  STOP! to opening up new markets for American workers and businesses.  STOP! to helping Colombians struggling to shed the chains of the drug trade and build a dynamic, forward looking economy.  STOP! to good faith negotiations with other countries on trade and other international negotiations.  STOP! to common-sense, bipartisan economic growth policies.

Based on Politico’s report, Slaughter, McGovern and Co. are clearly proud of themselves, but as usual, they will not see the bigger picture.  Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA) said it’s both disturbing and disappointing that the Democrats refuse to recognize the damage they have done with this Rules change.  “On the House Democrats’ side of the argument, we have Hugo Chavez, narco-terrorists and big Labor.  On the other side, we have virtually every major newspaper in America, notable senior members of the Democratic party, and the economic opportunities desired by American and Colombian workers.  What will it take for Speaker Pelosi and her Rules Committee to wake up and smell the coffee here?  We need to pass the Colombia FTA if we have any hope of containing the damage they have done.  Rather than seeking to claim credit for what has been widely recognized as a horrible move, the Democrats should get serious about doing what it takes to negotiate an end to this nonsense.”

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