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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Speeches
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Edwards Floor Speech Honoring Sgt. John David Fry

Madam Speaker:

I rise today in support of HR 3721, which salutes the service and sacrifice of Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry by naming a Post Office in my district in Lorena, Texas in his honor.

For generations to come, citizens in his hometown of Lorena will be reminded that Sgt. Fry gave, in the words of Lincoln, his “last full measure of devotion” to country.

In doing so, Sgt. Fry joined the heroes who, throughout our nation’s history, have given their lives to our country. John David Fry was born in Lorena, Texas in 1977. He joined the Marines in 1995 and became an explosive ordinance disposal technician (EOD). As an EOD, he was stationed in Japan from 2002-2005, and was deployed to Iraq in September of 2005 with the 8th Engineer Support Battalion, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force out of Camp Lejeune.

While in Iraq, Sgt. Fry saved countless lives by rendering safe hundreds of bombs, including one of the largest car bombs found in Fallujah. He once went into a home to find a bomb strapped to a mentally retarded young Iraqi boy, who had been beaten and chained to a wall. Sgt. Fry disarmed the bomb and saved that child’s life.

Sgt. Fry turned down a Bronze Star and a ticket out of Iraq after a serious wound. Why did this great American do it? Because he said he just wanted to do what he was supposed to do. He was proud to be a Marine, and proud to serve his country. Sometimes I wonder where we Americans find such magnificent citizens with such spirit and soul.

Seven short days before this 28 year-old Marine with a wife and young children was to be sent back home, he volunteered when he didn’t have to defuse one more explosive device, this time in Al Anbar province. Sgt. Fry found three bombs that night and defused all of them, but the insurgents had hidden a fourth bomb under that third bomb. It blew up and killed him. This brave Marine who had saved hundreds of lives, finally gave his own life.

Sgt. John David Fry leaves behind his mother Beth, his wife Malia, and their three young children Kathryn, Gideon, and C.L. As the father of two sons, I would like to say to Sgt. Fry’s children that when my two sons grow up one day, if they are one-tenth as proud of me as these children have the right to be proud of their father, this great American, I would consider my life to have been a success.

Sgt Fry earned the Purple Heart and many other decorations for his outstanding military service. With full military honors, he was buried at Rosemound cemetery in Waco, Texas on March 23rd of 2006. And I want to thank President Bush for coming to the Veterans Day ceremony this past year in Waco, Texas to honor the Fry family. While Sgt. Fry’s final resting place may be in the cemetery in Waco, I have faith that his spirit will touch the lives of others who will be inspired by this man’s devotion to country.

John David Fry is an American hero who gave his life defending our country in Iraq. We humbly recognize that we can never fully repay this citizen or his family for their deep loss, but I hope and pray that honoring him in this way in Congress and the post office back in his hometown of Lorena will celebrate his dedicated service and preserve his memory.

Madam Speaker, with honor and respect for the life of John David Fry, I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 3721.

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